Monday, October 7, 2013

Sui Xijun quality polyester how to clean washing machine silk big strong hand rub less prone to wri

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Sui Xijun quality polyester how to clean washing machine silk big strong hand rub less prone to wrinkles, dry, wet, no significant difference in strength, quality polyester silk softness how to clean washing machine in general. The sensory identification method, although relatively simple, but the actual use of a certain degree of difficulty, to the gradual accumulation of experience, complete with feeling, no hard and fast rules or yardstick to measure, so the identification of textiles but also with combustion method, microscopy and chemical dissolution Methods. Burning identification method: cut a small cloth strips or pull a few fibers how to clean washing machine lit burning, based on the observed fiber combustion, with or without shrinkage and melting, burning difficulty, flame color, burning rate, flavor, color and character to determine the ashes. Before combustion, can be extracted first twist warp or weft yarn or open to see if they are short fibers. If you are short fibers of varying lengths is cotton, wool and other days of burning fibers; if the fiber length of the same, it is a viscose fibers or synthetic fibers. If the filament, it may be sticky filaments how to clean washing machine or silk. Difference between the two is the sticky filaments brighter than silk. The yarn was then tongue moist places such as wet sticky filaments how to clean washing machine is easy to pull off, if constantly how to clean washing machine wet place, is silk. Whether fibers are difficult to pull off wet and dry, and that is synthetic how to clean washing machine fiber. And then to burn identification. Cotton: Burning faster, high flame, can automatically spread, leaving a small amount of soft white or gray ash and coke. Hemp fiber burning in flames crackle. Wool: Burning unhappiness, a small flame from the fire is extinguished after burning smell of protein, ash was curly, dark brown crystals, leavening brittle. Silk: can burn but does not spread, curling into a ball after a fire, burning hiss, burning smell after the protein, and wool is similar to dark brown after burning into small balls, touch friable ash into powder shape. Viscose fiber: Near flame that is burning with burning smell, leaving traces gray ashes, easily dispersed flying. Polyester: burning fiber curling, side burner, side smoke, yellow flame, a faint sweetness, dark brown lumps left after combustion. Acrylic: Edge melting side slow-burning, white flame brighter, and sometimes slightly smoky, and a faint smell of fish, gray to black spherical. PVA: Burning how to clean washing machine fibers melt rapid contraction, slow burning, the flame is small, red, sweet flowers, gray brown lumps. Polyvinyl chloride: difficult to burn, shrink when approaching flames, burning out the fire goes out, there is a pungent smell of chlorine, gray irregular black lumps. PP: curling side, one side melting burning bright flame, blue, there is a little like the smell of asphalt burning after burning ashes into a fawn. Consumers should keep in mind: All days of burning ashes after burning fibers how to clean washing machine are touched on the broken; from the smell, vegetable how to clean washing machine fibers, like char, rather like the smell of burning paper, animal fiber smell of burning hair, and chemical fiber combustion The ashes are formed dough lumps, do not have the first two burning or burning hair smell.
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