Monday, October 21, 2013

Failed to achieve results described or log-ed frontal or logout-ed, nor in England, nor in the Bulg

Before when you click with the right mouse button on the link in Google frontal Search you can easily copy the address. frontal Now Google put things underneath. I do not know if I just get irritated at this, but to catch the address of a page from Google, now have to go into it.
for quite some time and also annoys me
Failed to achieve results described or log-ed frontal or logout-ed, nor in England, nor in the Bulgarian version.
uv #
I have the same problem, and it started a few months ago totally unexpected frontal and unwanted. On the occasion of the release, to me is this: links appear in the bottom status bar when 'on hover' in the moment you give the right click context menu link below instantaneously changed to gugalski! PS Settings have not touched on this - just change, Copy Link Location frontal does not work and use 3 versions of Firefox (FF 2 one and two FF 3 on Windows and Linux).
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