Friday, October 18, 2013

Does anyone have any idea how to simulate xavier malisse natiskaane button on the keyboard and mous

Does anyone have any idea how to simulate xavier malisse natiskaane button on the keyboard and mouse? Neighbors, it is done with this intercept breaks (usually in assembly, not just the C (+)), but NT has direct work with the ports is slightly disabled. The idea is that the port intended for reading you can always record the data from the port while recording xavier malisse will usually read high impedance state, which is not precisely defined. Keyboard can be written xavier malisse directly xavier malisse in its buffer, but must be accompanied by Laga controller breaks that supposedly key is pressed.
Group: Members Posts: 63 Joined: 20-June 12 Reputation: 0 Gender: Male Location: Veliko Tarnovo
I'm trying to do autoklikar xavier malisse and this seemed like a good idea but how can I do to zadaryi down the left or right mouse button, click once but not for some time, for example?
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